School Policies
Schools are successful when they help children grow academically, socially, and emotionally. For this to happen, it is imperative that we have a safe environment that is conducive to growth. By setting forth clear expectations and directly teaching students about those expectations, it is our goal to create this atmosphere for learning. Although teachers and teams may have some additional expectations and reward reinforcers in their individual classrooms, I would like to share with you our school-wide behavior plan that is infused into our Student Code of Conduct.
Our plan is based on PBIS – Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports. The PBIS system has 4 components:
· A Matrix of Behavioral Expectations which will be shared at Back to School Night and will be intentionally taught to our students. These expectations will be reinforced and reviewed throughout the year.
· Lesson Plans and Charts used to teach students the Behavioral Expectations. We are also use student-generated videos to reinforce our behavior expectations.
· P.A.W. Power Reward System that acknowledges and rewards students for following the expectations.
· An Office Discipline Referral Form for minor and major behavior infractions. This form is in line with the district behavior code and is kept as a data tracking system to monitor patterns of behaviors in order to put proper interventions in place.
The La Pluma PBIS Team and staff have come up with 3 short rules that we expect everyone in our school community to abide by. We call these rules:
The BIG 3
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe
These three expectations are enforced and taught across our campus to include our classrooms, hallways, MPR, restrooms, playground, lunch area, bus, library and the front office.
It is our goal to make the understanding of these expectations as clear and easy for our students as possible. We hope you will partner with us by reminding your child of these expectations as you send them off to school each day. This will allow ALL children to work in a school environment that is safe, fun and free from distraction, which in turn allows children to reach their maximum learning potential. Thank you for being a part of the La Pluma Team!
Mrs. Maureen Bixby